
Back in the Swing of Things

01/12/2013 09:17

Well I have to say it feels good to be back.  I was able to get back in the pool this week, on a chilly 58 degree Florida morning nonetheless, and the run and bike trails were also welcoming.  This week I had some travel for business, so I was able to work around those days which actually panned out pretty well.  The eating on the road was not as difficult as I had anticipated, so I was pleased with that too.  The main thing I have to remember when travelling is to refrain from junk food and comfort munchies that I am so used to partaking in!


Stephanie knocked it out of the park again this week with her healthy cooking, all while fighting the flu hersefl!  The food is very good and I have to quit asking "Are you sure we can eat this"?  The one thing I have to work on is moderation - even though its a healthy choice, don't eat the entire pot full right from the stove!  Next week has a couple more business travel days, so I'll work on refrain and moderation again.  Actually looking forward to getting in a nice run during the morning at the resort I'll be at.  Will be fun seeing the place in a whole new light!


Next week I hope to increase the run and bike mileage and get in another mile long swim.  During this maintenance phase I want to focus on mileage and staying free from injury.

Its nice to be back in the lanes!


Forecast looks promising

01/05/2013 14:09

I realize that this wasn't really a full week with the New Year's Day holiday on a Tuesday, but we treated it like a real week in our household.  If you remember, I was run over by a jazzy New Year's Eve then suffered an alergic reaction soon after which resulted in me taking it easy on 01/01, except for the annual fight of getting the Christmas tree back in the attic along with the myriad of boxes that follow.  Workouts consisted of runs only this week since both mornings it was dreary, foggy, and drizzling.  I opted to stay on foot rather than unload the bike in the darkness coupled with the cruddy weather.  Friday was going to be a swim day, but the heavy rains and thunderstorms that were coming through the pre-dawn skies closed the pool.  That's the brakes!


The internet is chock full of triathlon training plans.  Some short, some crazy, and some insane.  But all in all I find that the maximum plan that is already designed is 36 weeks, and if you watch the counter on my home page, I have 43 weeks to go.  The difference of 7 weeks will be a maintenance phase for me to allow me to build the miles and work on the nutrition aspect of this journey.  So even though the plan begins at the start of March, the work starts now!


Since the food part of this is so difficult for a junky like myself, Stephanie has taken over with this aspect and has blown me away this week with the meals she has researched and created that are not only good for you, but simply excellent.  From breakfast to desert, they all have been nutritious and tasty.  So much so, Kyle made the unsolicited comment Thursday night "This is the best food I have ever had mommy", right from the mouth of babes!


Next week has some business travel so I'll have to customize the training for when I am on the road.  Wish me luck on the eating away from the house!


In the beginning ....

01/01/2013 12:14

New Year's rang in with a bang judging by the amount of fireworks that could be heard until after midnight.  We were all three in bed long before the ball dropped.  Somehow I could not manage to get excited about seeing Snookie and Jwoww in Times Square this year.  Besides, we spent a nice New Year's Eve with friends at Legoland Florida where Kyle and his buddy hollered and danced the night away (all 35 minutes of it) to music and great fireworks - that with special glasses, looked liked lego bricks exploding in the air.  Pretty cool.  The evening in the park wasn't complete until a lady ran over my right foot with her electric wheelchair completely oblivious to what had just happened.  The evening only got better as I broke out in hives as it dawned on me while leaving a restaurant that the Thai salad I had contained nuts, which I am allergic too.  So needless to say with foot elevated, once I was in a benadryl induced coma, it was time for bed ..... at 9:35pm.


Stephanie and I are trying to get the house and Kyle back to normal since we are all back to the daily grind Wednesday morning.  Stephanie got up early and ran while I decided to take it easy considering how much I went through 12 hours earlier.  Our workout routine today consisted of taking the Christmas decorations down, playing referee between Kyle and Stephanie as he was determined to help mommy remove priceless items from the tree, and she was insisted that she did not need any help, and then the chore of restocking the atttic with a 4 year old as a helper. 


To all my readers and fans out there that have sent me well wishes and emails about this venture, THANK YOU!  While I will not report daily, I promise to keep this blog fresh and up-to-date and I appreciate you all keeping me accountable for what I began.


Happy New Year!


This is how we usher in New Year here in Florida

Why do a blog in 2013?

12/31/2012 14:02

Taking on this venture is no easy feet.  And I know that without a super high degree of accountability, I may let things slide here and there.  Its easy to put things off when its cool outside, too hot outside, or too humid/rainy (thats 355 days a year here in FL).  The pros and the guys like me that have all gone before me all say to plan a race, register for it, and tell everyone.  That way you'll be more likely to succeed knowing that there is a lot on the line.


Since I am a native Floridian and former Florida State Trooper, I picked Ironman Florida 140.6.  I went to the 2012 event and volunteered my time so that I could get registered for a spot in 2013.  This race sells out in record time, so I was there to do my part and got my slot!  Lastly, I was lucky enough to make The Tri Shop triathlon team which relies heavily on social media of its team members. What better means of accountability than a business watching my progress and the trillions of people (ok, a couple dozen) who will see this site and blog.  I'll put in the traininig for them and myself, report on the races, review new products, and hopefully be all the better for it this time next year.


The Tri Shop is a web triathlon super store where I buy all my gear, equipment, nutrition,etc.  I have been so impressed with their customer service, friendliness, and prices that I jumped at the opportunity to submit my application for their 2013 Team.  While the team may never meet one another face to face, I liked the idea behind their plan and remain a faithful customer.  Service after the sale is the thing for me and they know how to deliver time and time again.  I hope they enjoy following this blog in 2013 as much as I enjoy putting the rubber to the road.

Larry headed to the finish line of IM Miami 70.3 and in essence, headed to the starting line of IM FL 140.6

Why I do this & that

12/30/2012 14:54

I don't start conversations about triathlons with people.  Its my thing, although very narcissistic, and I do it for the most part alone.  I don't care to share a lane during swim practice, I hate riding with groups because they are very cliquish if you are not riding their chosen brand, and I hate to run with others since some want to chat, some want to make it a race, and others make you feel as if you are dragging them down the trail.  I prefer to do things on my plans.  Those who know me well are muttering something along the lines of "That was an understatement" right about now.  I'm type A personality, but generally keep my hobby to myself.


However, when the conversation comes up and I am in the mood to discuss it, I enjoy sharing race reports, getting and giving advice on equipment, race locations, and experiences.  But when the one question about why in the world would anyone want to take on something that is so hard on the body, my answer is simple; Its for Kyle & Stephanie.


Now, they are not going to trade me in if I did not do these things (at least I don't think they will), and they won't love me more or less if I do or do not finish what I set out for to begin with.  But I like this sport and I want to live longer so that I can be around to see Kyle grow up (and torment Stephanie as much as possible) and I want Kyle to see that ANYTHING is possible if you work for it.  I want him to take up the hobby also so that we can continue to do these things as a family.  I want him to be proud of what his dad has done, before he gets to that age where he can't stand his parents! 


While the "Finisher" jacket is cool, the sticker on the car is awesome, and the Ironman tattoo branded on the calf is a forever lasting symbol of the accomplishment, its the smile on that little guy's face and his mom's too that makes it all worth it.


They are the reason for this & that

Dang alarm clock!

12/29/2012 18:30

Being a dad, husband, and employee comes with some responsibilities that require a degree of responsibility on my part.  Honey do's, school functions, and that career thing just does not stand still for my pursuit of all that is Ironman.  So that means the day starts early.


Training for the swim, bike, and run begins around 4am each day so that I am home in time to help get Kyle ready for school, dropped off and in his class on time, and then shower and shaved  for work.  This schedule has suited me well so far, just tweaked now a little earlier than what I am used to.  Surprisingly there are people in the local 25 yard laned pool at this hour, but the run and bike trails are quiet.  I actually enjoy the peace, just the cop in me gets suspicious of people like me that are up at that hour.  Cops believe that only hoodlums and the newspaper boy stir at those ungodly hours.


Kyle and Stephanie sacrifice a lot for me when it comes to time away from them when I have to travel for work, not to mention, they become sherpas for me at the races and expos, so at least I can do is slip out of the house in the cloak of darkness every morning to train.


While I am not looking forward to the alarm clock in 2013, I know the journey will be well worth it. 

View of the training facility!

Food Glorious Food

12/28/2012 08:35

So this will be my biggest hurdle to get over.  I love to eat.  Good food and drink, anything fried, everything with chocolate, you get the drift.  Up until now my mental process of this was "eat whatever and just run farther" and "i'm sure there is a magic potion out there that i'll find and take".  Well, I havent found the potion and the other issue just isnt working either.  140.6 miles is a long way to go and the machine and its engine have to be finely tuned.


January 1 will not only start the training plan, but will also include the clean eating.  While going cold turkey on anything never works as the body wants a treat from time to time, we (I) have to do a better job in managing the intake so that the production in the pool, on the bike, and along the run trails is close to perfection.  Not to mention, 2.4 miles in the ocean, 112 miles on the little seat, and a marathon makes for a long day and when you are carrying along unnecessary weight, its just that harder.


Man I am going to miss this stuff!



Equipment .... check!

12/27/2012 12:22

Like I said, I am no tech guy.  Just a dad and husband that does well making things work for the most part and making repairs here and there.  My passion is the yard - mowing, landscaping, yard work, etc. is my thing.  Maybe thats why I enjoy the outdoorsiness of triathlons.  Who knows. But I have to say that this website and blog has been painless - so far.  Can't guarantee it will stay that way.


Triathlon is a sport that requires a lot of gear.  I've got the state of the art Trek Speed Concept Tri bike in the stable, all the clothing, shoes, and misc bags, tubes of gu, vials of liquids, and boxes of this and that.  Coupled with every book ever written about the sport and website saved in the favorites.  The only thing missing is the fine tuned machine that runs it all.


Obvioulsly that machine is me.  While I have tackled the shorter triathlon distances, this journey to the big show is no small feat.  I'll fine tune engine during 2013 and with Stephanie's help, I'll figure out the nutritional aspect.  Loving good food and drink, its hard for me to get my arms and mind around the fact that I have to eat right.  We'll get it figured out.


Stick with me, the next couple of days that are left of Christmas break are allowing me to test out this site and take time off from training.  The real ride begins January1, 2013!



Learning the web .... quickly

12/26/2012 08:40

I am no web guy, in fact  my wife says I have a force field around me that causes anything electric to break.  So in order to run this site and blog, I am having to learn how to do all of this rather quickly.  Bear with me, if it looks good, its purely luck.  If you find errors, bad links, and messed up graphics, well then that is totally me!


First blog

12/25/2012 20:11

My new blog has been launched today. Stay focused on it and I will try to keep you informed. You can read new posts on this blog via the RSS feed.

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